my cupboard love |
I am a weary, worn out woman tonight Dear Reader. I must admit I nearly didn't post tonight...but then I seen that thirteen of you have visited the site looking for me today and I felt guilty, and, well, quite chuffed that you are getting to know me and my schedule. I didn't want to disappoint you. My cousin Andrew got married this weekend! The celebration began at a cocktail party thrown by his parents on Friday night at their home. A few months ago, Marjory, (Andrew's Mum) had asked me to "hold her hand" while planning the party and to give her a hand the night of the event. It was to be held in the back garden, weather permitting. Sound familiar? The rain came down in buckets most of the afternoon making it feel even more hot and humid. Fortunately, the rain did stop, and the sun came out just as the boys were constructing the tent for over the deck. Marjory had outdone herself with the menu. There was sushi, salmon spread, homemade ricotta for dipping the crudité, homemade sausage rolls, chicken satays, shrimp cocktail, mini quiche, cheese and fruit. It was a beautiful spread. Marjory had a cake made that resembled the artwork (done by Andrew) for the wedding invitations. It was lovely. The icing was perfect...not cloyingly sweet and the cake was moist. The party went off without a hitch....although we did forget to put out the endive leaves for the salmon spread and ricotta. Marjory woke up at 3am and remembered them then. Oh well. I don't think they were missed. She had the evening well in hand and I got to be her cheerleader.
The wedding was Saturday at Nyood, a restaurant/bar that Andrew and Sheryl had booked for the evening. The ceremony was held upstairs and overseen by their good friend Aldwin. I was really struck by the number of friends this young couple have that they have known since high school. Family and friends travelled from Ireland, San Francisco, Scotland and the Philippines to be witness to their special day. It is a tribute to the value of these relationships. It was a beautiful wedding that somehow managed to be intimate with over one hundred guests and it was clear to all of us there, that these two chose well in each other. They definitely will have a happily ever after. So that was my weekend Dear Reader and now I am off to bed. All that dancing tired me out. Check back in a day or two.....I have a wonderful risotto recipe to share with you.
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